While applying Service Profile to newly discovered UCS Rack Servers (UCSC-220M5L) getting this error "Unable to Perform Image Update on the Adapter 2 Intel Corp UCSC-PCIE-ID10GF". Though the servers are fully discovered without any error but when the service profile is applied it fails, as the Service profile has new firmware policy "UCS firmware Version 4.0 4h) and there is new firmware for Intel adapter cards in it. So when Service profile FSM reaches (77%) to upgrade the firmware of Intel Adapter Cards it fails every time. I have ten new rack servers and all are failing on this error.

I don't want upgrade the UCS firmware as I recently upgraded firmware from 3.1x to 4.0 4x. To avoid second UCS firmware upgrade, I tried a work around and it worked, so worth to share here:
- Download HUU (Host Upgrade Utility) ISO from Cisco Website (HUU ISO is to upgrade firmware when you have standalone Rack Servers i.e. not integrated with UCSM. But it is completely Ok if you upgrade the Intel adapter card by using HUU)
- Take KVM console of the UCSC Server, by directly assigning CIMC IP
- Mount
the HUU ISO "I used 4.1x HUU ISO
as this ISO had the required firmware Version"
- Upgrade only the network adapters firmware, UCSC-PCIE-ID10GF in this case.
- Exit the HUU Utility
- Un-mount the HUU ISO
- Re-acknowledge the Server where you updated the firmware with HUU ISO
- Verify the server has been discovered with new firmware Version for intel adapater cards.
- Apply the service profile – Applying service profile now skips the firmware update for Intel adapater cards as these cards have already the same firmware version which Service Profile will apply.
By following above steps I have successfully applied Service Profile on all of my ten new C220M5L servers.
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